I’m too busy to die (yes, this needs to be said more than once, if only to ward off the evil spirits hovering over this topic, vampires ready to suck the last drop of life-energy from anyone brave [or stupid] enough to step into the morass of these ideas, ideas that could change your life […]
Melted Snowflake
each of us like the water of a melted snowflake a tiny lake existing for a moment –Terry Chitwood Impermanence Meditating on impermanence, my ideas dissolve in the sunlight of a new dawn. My thoughts like shadows scatter before the approaching light. A temple bell rings inside my heart. The song of the skylark resounds […]
Death as Teacher
Life is a journey. Death is a return to the earth. The universe is like an inn. The passing years are like dust. –Buddhist Poem This poem is used to describe the Buddhist concept of impermanence (The World’s Religions by Huston Smith, pp. 116-117). Of course, we are constantly changing . . . our bodies, […]
Death: The Beginning of Life
Disclosure: This post contains some affiliate links (at no cost to you). This article is dedicated in particular to Susan Niebur, four-time cancer survivor and presently in hospice contemplating her journey beyond death, and to others who approach death . . . ultimately, all of us. “During the fiercest period of her chemotherapy, my friend […]