“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it . Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves” (Matthew 7:13-15, KJV).
The narrow way is the path of the individual, a labyrinthine way where mystery reins, where each twist and turn has a deep meaning, each setback leads to a new door opening, each step forward contains layers of possibilities—our future unfolding. As we embrace the mystery of God’s hidden plans for our lives, we become filled with faith, allowing grace like rain to permeate the pores of our deepest being, allowing grace’s tender touch to open our hearts to God’s expansive love, a love so overwhelming it brings us to tears.
Gift of Tears
Tears shake our body alive. Wracked by sobs, we open to the divine like a flower blooming, reaching for the sun. As our tears stream down our cheeks, dissolving the hardness in our faces, we become free. Standing before God, we don’t have to save face.
Dreams lead us to our individual face . . . our original face. Dreams display the uniqueness of each of our paths. I’ve had clients—especially in the beginning stage of Jungian psychotherapy—dream of exiting an expressway (society’s way) and ending up on a lone country road or a road that leads into the wilderness. Entering the wilderness like Moses, we heed the call of the burning bush . . . God in disguise.
Pure Water
In order for our writing to flow pure like the water from a rock, quenching the world’s spiritual thirst, we need to be born anew, anointed by the hand of the living God. Pure in spirit, the healing water flowing through our pens, we write for God, to God and for the world.
Photo Credit: Stock Photo by Catherine Murray.
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