can be a great help—words.
They can become the spirit’s hands
and lift and
–Meister Eckhart
(Love Poems from God: Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West translated by Daniel Ladinsky, p.110)
“Meister Eckhart (1260-1328) is one of history’s great mystics . . . . He was a Catholic monk and scholar who often presented his faith and spiritual understandings in sermons of stunning clarity . . .” (ibid. p.89). Since Eckhart’s sermons were stunning, his words became “the spirit’s hands.”
Words can hurt. Words can heal. As the spirit’s hands, words can caress souls—bringing comfort to those in need of comfort, bringing hope to those in need of hope and bringing light into dark lives. Words can caress souls with song, clothe souls with light—bringing joy to hold back the night.
The Holy Spirit inspires us to let the holy flow from our pens. Let our words burn with the fire of God’s love, spreading warmth to the farthest reaches of the written word. Let our words– our voices– enter the chorus of God’s eternal song, singing the world alive.
Photo Credit: Photo by Orin Zebest at Flickr Creative Commons.
Linked with Thought-Provoking Thursday.
Thank you for sharing this. Very inspiring.
Marvin recently posted..More About Ideas for Woodworking Projects
Thank you for your comment, Marvin. I’m glad you were inspired.
Terry recently posted..The Spirit’s Hands
Oh, to let the holy flow from our pen, the ink being God’s Son, the point being His Spirit, the Of the pen being God the father, and the hand holding the pen, our life – directed by our God. THose were awesome words you quoted – and I’m inspired by what you wrote. Thank you. God bless and keep you.
Craig recently posted..Love gives up…to gain
Thank you for your comment, Craig. I’m happy you found my words inspiring.
Terry recently posted..No-Path is the Path
and a typo – the cap being the Father 🙂
Craig recently posted..Love gives up…to gain