Unlike James Dean starring in Rebel without a Cause writers have a legitimate need to rebel through their writing.
“Sinclair Lewis wrote, ‘Every compulsion is put on writers to become safe, polite, obedient, and sterile. . . .’
We believe that powerful artists are always nonconformists and rebels, even though one may pledge allegiance to God, another to humankind. . . . Artists who rebel the least, who are architects rather than opponents of the status quo, may fit neatly into their society but may not speak or know their minds” (Creativity for Life by Eric Maisel, PhD, pp.40-41).
A Wild God
God is wild. He is an “opponent of the status quo.” In His time on earth. Jesus was always a rebel with a cause. The divine infuses us with a wild creativity. We are untamed . . . one of a kind. Focused rebellion is a part of our nature.
The Razor’s Edge
As writers, we need to live on the razor’s edge. If we are not continually expanding our comfort zone, we are conforming. We have a duty to the divine to fully express our uniqueness . . . our originality. We need to let our inner rebel have room to breathe. We need to exult in our free expression—of thoughts, of feelings, of molten creativity.
Hidden Sparks
Like a gazelle leaping across the land, let your original thoughts roam free. Like a roaring tiger, let your original voice be heard. With your fiery pen, ignite the sparks hidden deep in the heart of the world.
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