“The road of experiential knowledge that Jung spent most of his life leading people along is clearly not a road that is readily walked. As Jung relates, for many ‘the steep path of self-development is . . . as mournful and gloomy as the path to hell’” (C.G. Jung’s Psychology of Religion and Synchronicity by […]
Something Ancient, Something New
“After the illness a fruitful period of work began for me. A good many of my principal works were written only then. . . . I no longer attempted to put across my own opinion, but surrendered myself to the current of my thoughts” (Memories, Dreams, Reflections by C.G. Jung, p.297). Jung needed to surrender […]
Grow Your Story
“. . . [Jung’s] work as a healer did not take wing . . . until he realized that the key to the human personality was its story. Every human being at core, he held, had a unique story and no man could discover his greatest meaning unless he lived and, as it were, grew […]
God’s Way is My Way
“From the beginning I had a sense of destiny, as though my life was assigned to me by fate and had to be fulfilled. This gave me an inner security. . . . Nobody could rob me of the conviction that it was enjoined upon me to do what God wanted and not what I […]