“For [Navajo Indians] beauty is central. A person is not rich for the money he has, but for the number of songs he knows. The artist is not an eccentric living on the edge of society, but is the norm. . . . For the Navajo the creation of beauty and the embodiment of oneself in beauty are the highest achievement and the destiny of each human being” (Beauty and the Soul: The Extraordinary Power of Everyday Beauty to Heal Your Life by Piero Ferrucci, p.173).
Beauty begs to be expressed. Beauty has become a beggar in our modern world . . . unnoticed, famished. Our souls are starved for beauty. Yet how can our souls and beauty meet? Through artistic expression. Through the creation of beauty that mirrors our souls.
Soul Food
Unless we have sacrificed our souls–like Dorian Gray (The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde) for eternal youth and physical beauty (not real beauty)–our souls will contain a reservoir of untapped wonder. Artistic and natural beauty in the world feeds our souls. In return, our souls create more beauty to feed the world. After all, creation of beauty is “the destiny of each human being.”
How can you create beauty in the world as a manifestation of your individual destiny? Through the tapestry of your life. Use the grace-filled moments of your life as a springboard for creation. If you have a gift with words, use words to describe these moments. Use your unique expressive gift: painting, film-making, photography, sculpture, music, etc. Paint the world with song.
Joy says
I truly believe in the value of artistic expression and this is such an insightful way to incorporate this concept to beauty. Thank you!
Terry says
Thank you for your kind comment, Joy.
Terry recently posted..Create Beauty
Emilia says
Hi Terry! You really do have a keen eye for beauty this is simply stunning. Thanks for sharing!