The Lord reigns, robed in rainbows, ruling with steel strength and an iron will. The rivers sing your praise. You are mightier than the thundering waterfall, more powerful than the crashing ocean waves. The pulse of life is attuned to your holy heartbeat– forever. –Terry Chitwood These verses are my creative interpretation of parts of […]
Psalms and Creative Writing: One God
You fill the streams with fresh water. You turn rivers into sand. You light the morning with sunlight. You light the evening with moonlight. You are both day . . . and night. You are death. You are life. –Terry Chitwood‘ In my creative interpretation of a part of Psalm 74, I portray a God […]
Psalms and Creative Writing: A Shining Path
The Lord, wearing a cloak of thick, dark clouds, hunts his enemies. The Lord’s breath of fire incinerates anyone who stands against him. His spears of lightening illuminate the night sky. The earth trembles and the mountains melt like wax. Yet, the Lord sows light for the righteous, creating a shining path. –Terry Chitwood. In […]
Psalms and Creative Writing: Gazing at the Heavens
The Lord paints the sky blue. The Lord breathes stars into the night sky. The Lord’s love flows across the earth like a river. The Lord gathers the waters and pours them into lakes, becoming eyes in the earth gazing at the heavens. –Terry Chitwood We are the eyes of the earth gazing at the […]