Drink the living water.
Fill yourself
with God.
–Terry Chitwood
For those of you who are drained of energy, drink the living water. For those of you who have doubts about your faith, experience the presence of God, allowing His peace to quell your fears. For those of you who are in need of healing, immerse yourself in the living water, opening your pores and letting God in.
And through your brokenness, you become a conduit of God’s love. “He who believes in me, as the scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water”’ (John 7:38, RSV). As writers, these rivers of healing words flow to the ends of the earth, carrying God-seeds of rejuvenation that transform lives. Telling sacred stories, sharing spiritual experiences, and writing tales that heal lead to a divine metamorphosis of the individual.
Divine Poet
God is a poet whose healing waters stream into your soul, washing it clean and teaching it to soar. Like a falcon circling its prey, God’s sharp focus on your life never strays:
He leads you through the dark forest.
He the spark in the blackest night.
He guides you to clear waters.
He is your brightest light.
Photo Credit: Photo by Igor Stevanovic
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