Arjuna is a warrior prince and Krishna is a symbol of the divine in the Bhagavad Gita, a holy book from India.
“Krishna exhorts Arjuna to combat. This is the first lesson: Life is a battle—you must enter into it fully, and do what needs to be done. You cannot shrink from your duty. Life presents difficult, sometimes horrendous, situations, unwelcome tasks, and obstacles of every sort. Despite this harsh reality, you must go resolutely forward” (inevitable grace—breakthroughs in the lives of great men and women: guides to your self-realization by Piero Ferrucci, p.76).
Do your duty, however unpleasant.
Divine Duty
To paraphrase Jung, you can follow your fate willingly or be dragged . . . kicking and screaming. Your divine duty is to willingly embrace your fate. In the battle of life, it is important not to fight yourself. If you can make peace with your life’s path, you can walk it with equanimity. Fight your battles, not yourself.
The Soul-Jewel
Life itself presents you with tough situations. It purposely causes you friction. This friction polishes the soul-jewel. Without friction, your jewel would remain dull . . . your life boring. Bear the friction; embrace the battle. Let your jewel radiate divine light.
Photo Credit: Photo by Cliff at Flickr Creative Commons.
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Gabriella Boyle says
I’m not familiar on this book but it looks like an interesting book. I’d like to read this..! Thanks much for sharing.
Gabriella Boyle recently posted..Persuasion Resources
Terry says
Thank you for your comment, Gabriella.
Terry recently posted..The Sacred Battle