And the days are not full enough
And the nights are not full enough
And life slips by like a field mouse
Not shaking the grass.
–Ezra Pound
(101 poems that could save your life by Daisy Goodwin, p.75)
I like some of Ezra Pound’s poetry but disagree with his stated (during his lifetime) political orientation. That being said, I really like the above poem. I think it expresses the timeless truth that life is meant to be lived fully. And life needs to be approached with courage, not like a timid field mouse not daring to be noticed. “And life slips by like a field mouse not shaking the grass.”
Is your life full enough? And how could you tell if it isn’t? Dreams come from the deep, inner Self and usually give messages on how to develop yourself fully. Of course, you need to treat your dreams as sacred in order to honor them by acting on their messages and living a full life (Read Dreams: God’s Forgotten Language by John A. Sanford).
I wrote a free-form haiku to illustrate my feelings about how important it is to follow your dreams.
When your soul is on fire you are capable of accomplishing amazing things. The holy fire can move you through life with exhilarating speed. Do what excites you. Become what you admire. Expand your comfort zone by pushing yourself over life’s edges. Be free, be fast, be whole. Dance to the drumbeat of your life.
Photo by Angelo Juan Ramos on Flickr Creative Commons.
Linked with Thought-Provoking Thursday.
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