Transform me, Lord.
The whirlwind spins me,
weaving a cloak
of golden light.
I drink burning water,
my body becoming a flame.
Black earth grabs my feet
with each step
a flower blooms.
–Terry Chitwood
These verses were inspired by parts of Psalm 69. God rescues us by transforming us. However, transformation can be painful like drinking burning water. “For our God is a consuming fire” (Hebrews 12:29, KJV). God burns away our impurities, clothing us with a cloak of golden light, a symbol of transformation.
The Dark
When we are grabbed by the dark, taken into the underworld and forced to drink from the burning river, we writhe with pain, screaming, “God, why have you forsaken me?” Needing God so badly is the beginning of our transformation. We are dependent upon God for our next breath.
Spring Rain
When we trudge toward the surface and break through the soil, we find ourselves in a garden. The sunlight feeds us as we blossom . . . like the other flowers. We are watered by divine grace from heaven . . . like a spring rain.
Photo Credit: Photo by elwynn
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